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Train Your WAY

You’ll achieve results faster with the one-on-one attention of our enthusiastic, experienced Personal Trainers. 

Les Mills Personal Trainers are fitness experts. Whatever your fitness goal — weight loss, strength gain, athletic performance, stress relief or simply motivation — a Les Mills Personal Trainer will work with you to achieve your goals and get results. 

Personalised programming, technique correction, nutritional and health advice, motivation, accountability and more. 

Click below to get our Starter Deal - 2 x 45 minute sessions with a Les Mills Personal Trainer.  


Let's Get Personal


Build Strength

Strength is more than just muscle gain. It’s a state of mind that we build with you session by session


Manage Weight

In addition to what we do on the gym floor, we assess your lifestyle and tailor a plan to bring you into your best shape.



Rehabilitation can be an intense and often psychological effort, be it from injury, incident or even a past lifestyle choice.


Sport Specific

With practice, anybody can become a good player. We identify your edge and nurture it.

Train with the best

Anyone can be a Personal Trainer, but not anyone can be a Les Mills Personal Trainer. 

Our Trainers are chosen for their industry experience and proven track record.




You're so close to getting your very own bespoke workout with a Les Mills Personal Trainer.  Click below so we can pair you with one of our expert PTs for 2 x 45 minute sessions for $49.



How do I get started?

Getting started is about getting set up with the right Personal Trainer, and you can select a trainer a number of ways:


Ask a friend: If you know someone who has a Personal Trainer ask them what they like about their PT. Personal Trainers often get recommended by their clients, and it's a great way to get an honest appraisal of what they can do for you.


Stalk online: Our Personal Trainers have profiles on the Les Mills website that allows you to do some research on who you might like to train with. The profiles will have what their specialty is and how to get in touch with them.

Check out the Personal Training hub: In all Les Mills gyms there is a Personal Training hub that has all the business cards and other information you need to help you choose the right Personal Trainer

Ask a staff member: Our staff can help recommend a Personal Trainer if you can't decide. And remember PTs are like cars, if you get bored just trade in or upgrade! 

How does Personal Training work?

Personal Training is the fastest way to get results because you have an expert in your corner that helps you avoid all the mistakes. Personal Training keeps you on track by holding you accountable to your training and provides you with the right programme - one that is specifically designed around your needs, goals and lifestyle. Expert advice goes a long way to getting results faster, and our Personal Trainers are the best experts in the fitness industry. People will often try to give you advice on training but the wrong advice often comes with consequences. The way we look at it is, you wouldn't let your mechanic cut your hair so don't let a celebrity tell you how to lose weight. 

How much does it cost?

PTs have different rates based on experience and expertise, and they can all tailor packages depending on what you need. Think about how often you might like to see a trainer vs just the cost per session. You might need that extra push in every workout or simple accountability and advice to set you up for success. There’s also nothing wrong with training with a few different PTs out to find one with a style you like.

As a guide, our newer PT’s tend to have the cheaper sessions but do your own research, ask a friend, reception or one of our PT Managers 


Why use a Personal Trainer?

Good question. So good, in fact, that we're going to answer it by asking you a question. If you've been unsuccessful training on your own up until now, why do you think that doing it that way again will be any different? Even the most disciplined high performing athletes in the world use trainers, why? Because it works, and you get results faster. 

Having a PT will set up for success and keep you on track. Don’t just spend time training at the gym, invest time getting the results you want.