Club News

Meet Umberto: Les Mills Newmarket


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What's your day job?
I work as Marketing Manager in the coffee / small appliances sector. In a nutshell, I deliver coffee training sessions and teach people about coffee machines and other home appliances.


What got you into teaching / inspires you with fitness?
For me, it's music, music, music. I wasn't always into fitness, but I've always been into music. I joined Les Mills Newmarket as a member in 2018. BODYPUMP, 9am on Saturdays with Ellen would be my go-to. Moving with music is such a liberating way to exercise - I often would find myself so in tune with the music that I would forget about fatigue and even stress. It brought massive mental and physical benefits and I was (still am) very much enjoying the process of each class. 
Becoming a Les Mills Group Fitness Instructor was the natural next step - I wanted to be able to convey that same love of music and movement to other people.


What do you teach and why?
I teach SPRINT, THE TRIP and BODYPUMP. I love these programs for different reasons. 
SPRINT is all about high energy, empowering music and a killer (in a good way) workout. I resonate with this sort of energy a lot and that’s why it’s my first Les Mills program I ever taught. 
THE TRIP is the most innovative cycle experience and there is nothing quite like it - you literally get immersed in the most stunning visuals and the music is just as innovative, bringing out a whole spectrum of emotions. All this, while you work hard on the bike and you almost don’t realise it!
BODYPUMP is simply a legendary program, I attended so many classes as a member, so I simply had to teach it at some point. You feel strong and athletic while you're lifting weights to some of the most awesome beats. 


Why Les Mills?
Simply put - quality and variety. Quality of music carefully selected for each release, quality of the workouts and the wide range of Les Mills programs.  Not every program might be for you, but you will find the perfect one that works. And once you do, you'll be hooked!


What’s a motivational quote you live by?
"Only idiots refuse to change their minds" - Brigitte Bardot. A good reminder that things in life are ever changing and it's ok to develop and change our minds sometimes - it's a sign we are thinking critically.


Any other fun facts?
Not many people know that I have a Bachelor's Degree in Foreign Languages and Linguistics (which I got in Verona, Italy) and I can speak Italian, English, German and French (but I haven't exercised my German and French in many years now). I never ended up working in that field - instead, I used these skills to travel and I left my home country Italy in 2013 and have lived in New Zealand for about 9 years now.