We’ve all got it.

That little voice in the back of our heads. Sometimes it tells you you're not good enough, not fast enough, not strong enough. Maybe you feel too tired to push harder or wonder if you're even cut out for this. That voice makes you doubt every step, every lift, every goal you’ve set.

But at Les Mills, we’re the other voice,

We’re the voice that tells you it’s okay to stumble, that every mistake is progress in disguise. The voice that reminds you to raise the bar, literally or figuratively, because growth comes from trying. 

We believe imperfection is part of the process. 

Here, your struggles aren’t setbacks, they’re signs that you’re stepping up.

So tune out. From Judgement, from expectation, from the voice in your head. Tune in to this space, this feeling, this moment.

Be Imperfect.