Club News

Member Experience: 21 Day Challenge


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"Les Mills and Spark New Zealand (where I work full time) worked together to help us Spark employees boost our wellbeing and improve our mental health in response to this year’s Mahi Tahi-Mental Health Awareness Week. Mahi Tahi means connection. It fosters strong connections and community spirit through the ways we work and come together at work.

In this challenge, we had complimentary access to Les Mills Lambton Quay classes and the gym where we earned as many points as we could. I had fun doing an extra challenge every week where we earned additional points.

It’s more than waking up early in the morning and going to the gym rain or shine. It’s only 21 days, but it creates a long-term effect that promotes a healthy exercise habit.

I look after my wellness and wellbeing so that I can look after my loved ones.

Changes should start from us. No one is going to help us except ourselves. his journey requires consistency, courage, determination, patience, discipline, time management and flexibility. It just takes time to adapt to change. But once the foundation is there, everything becomes easy. Again, thanks to Les Mills and Spark for this journey. "


To see more, view her video on the expierence here.





Find out more or sign up to your own 21 Day Challenge here.